Theme Poem


"Theme Poem" Printed in Wedding Program

1. "Theme Poem" printed on insert and placed inside program.
2. "Theme Poem" printed in the body of the program.


We recommend that the “Theme Poem" be composed from the thoughts and desires of both the Bride and the Groom, and be between 12 and 24 lines.  This Poem is the strength of the total wedding package.  It is the most difficult to design.  We do not recommend that you use a pre-selected Poem in place of this once in a lifetime ceremony.  There may be lines from other “Love” Poems that you want to include, but the bulk of this poem should be your joy expressed fresh from your hearts.

Price Range: $600--$1600
Production Time: 6-8 Weeks

(Recordings and Printings are not included)



Example of Copyrighted “Theme” Poetry:
(For our clients privacy we have no other “Theme” Poems accessible via our clients passwords.) 


Corris and Melissa Randall Wedding

Ó  1998 Andrew Mealey  All Rights Reserved



I see your face

Shining with joy, shining on me

Heart pounding, eyes in embrace

You are with me today

And you see my face

Beaming with joy, shining on you

Holding you a place

Heart pounding, eyes in embrace

I am with you today.



I am with you today

My heart warms with memories of you near

Your face smiles your special smile

My face irresistibly smiles back.

You are my desire glowing on the canvas of my heart

Stand and breathe within my sight, within my vision

And I will stand awash within the ocean of your love.


Corris & Melissa:

We stand together today

Together for good

Together with God

Our joy is full.